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A protocol that enables creators to sell rights associated to their work.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

The Use Protocol (uproto) aims to bring the next billion users to crypto by promoting imaginative ways for users to monetise their creator. In this era, the internet's GDP is estimated at up to $15 trillion, with Big Tech's market cap nearing 90% of this figure. AI further worsens this consolidation of power, leaving many jobless and financially strained. Blockchains are silver of lining we have to ways to fight back. We need to find of internet native ways we can redistribute the economic value of the interenet to internet users.

Utilizing ERC721 NFTs, EIP 4337 smart wallet accounts, and zero-knowledge proofs for privacy-centric ownership verification, uproto facilitates the seamless registration, licensing, and monetization of various IP forms. Its KYC Registry ensures legitimate ownership, while the event-driven UseProtocolReverseProxy enhances transaction efficiency.

How it's Made

As this is a fairly complex protocol,I've provided extensive details in the GitHub README, including diagrams, visualizations, and comprehensive explanations of each protocol component:

Some of the components below: Smart Wallet Accounts (EIP 4337): Enhances user interaction with the Ethereum blockchain by enabling transactions and contract interactions through user-friendly smart wallet accounts. Zero-Knowledge (ZK) Proofs: Utilized for the verification of IP ownership without revealing sensitive information, ensuring privacy and security in transactions. KYC Registry: Manages the KYC (Know Your Customer) status of protocol participants to verify IP ownership and user identity, maintaining the integrity of transactions. Use IP (UIP) Tokens: ERC721-compatible tokens that represent tokenized intellectual property on the Use Protocol, allowing for dynamic and interactive asset management. Smart Contracts for IP Rights Management: Facilitate the creation, licensing, and transfer of IP rights, leveraging the blockchain for transparent and secure transactions. UseProtocolReverseProxy: Optimizes the efficiency and security of transaction processing within the Use Protocol, employing a multicall approach for streamlined operations. Privacy-Enabled NFTs: NFTs that incorporate privacy measures to protect the details of the underlying IP while facilitating transactions and verifications on the blockchain. IP Ownership ZK Proofs Mechanisms: Detailed methodologies for generating and verifying ownership of different types of IP, using ZK-SNARKs and other cryptographic techniques. Smart Licenses: Contracts attached to UIP tokens that allow IP owners to sell rights or license their IP through the protocol, providing a framework for monetizing intellectual property.

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