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A decentralised, privacy-preserving platform for Web3 company reviews and salary information


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Sign Protocol - Sign Everything Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

VeriFi offers a decentralised, privacy-preserving product feature for Web3 company reviews and salary information, leveraging blockchain technology and Effective Attestation proofs to ensure data integrity, user privacy, and decentralised governance.

VeriFi offers a cutting-edge solution that allows job seekers to maintain their privacy while actively reviewing Web3 companies. On the other hand, Web3 companies can claim and verify their profiles and maintain their reputation on-chain.

How it's Made

Technology Stack: Web3auth, Sign protocol, React.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Arweave

User Interface Components: Covers all major features including authentication, company profiles, reviews, salary information, search.

Integration Requirements: Detailed requirements for integrating Sign Protocol, Web3 Auth

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