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Verifiable Climate Emission Reporting - built on FVM & ChainLink (In Progress) FVM

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

"While moving to renewables can address 55% of global GHG emissions, to achieve UN climate goals it is imperative to tackle the remaining 45%" (Ellen MacArthur Foundation) Product emission has been largely overlooked, although it accounts for 45% of the global GHG emissions. (Veritas ID, V-ID) is an open-source Digital Product ID platform, under MIT/Apache licenses. offers Digital Product IDs as service, to trace, analyze, and report data about a product’s full lifecycle, from manufacturing to consumption, and from reuse to disposal.

How it's Made

Built on the platform, in this hackathon, we have explored the applications of Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) as a reporting engine to ensure verifiability of climate emissions reports, which play critical roles in ensuring brands’ social commitment and regulation requirements. Unlike others who use ‘guesswork’ like estimation, to generate reports that may be error-prone or ‘green-washing’, our reports are generated from trusted and transparent data recorded on DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies). This allows our compliance reports to be trusted, transparent and verifiable across a brand’s value chain.

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