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A game played by rolling the dice, advancing through the squares, and executing events (contracts) on the squares.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

・The creator can create a map (a kind of platform where squares can be embedded). ・Creators can create squares on the map and embed quests (contracts) in them. ・Creators can fork a map and fill it with new squares of their choice. ・The player selects a map and starts the game. ・The player rolls the dice. ・The player rolls the dice again after executing a contract or other action embedded in a square.

How it's Made

Dojo (Cairo's library), which uses the ECS model.

This allows us to separate entities (maps in this game) from components and functions, maximizing the composability of the game.

This increased composability allows users to easily create games while maintaining interoperability with other worlds (=entity maps).

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