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Vigilant Trail

Vigilant Trail secures transactions with escrow smart contracts, allowing fund retrieval if sent to the wrong address.

Vigilant Trail

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Vigilant Trail is a safe transaction tool that uses an escrow service to ensure funds are securely transferred. It stores the funds in a smart contract, allowing the sender to revert the transaction if the funds were sent to the wrong address. The receiver can claim the funds, and once verified, the smart contract releases the funds. Trail is built using Solidity, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offering a seamless integration between smart contracts and user-friendly design. It aims to enhance the security of everyday fund transfers.

How it's Made

Vigilant Trail is built using a robust set of technologies to ensure security, performance, and a seamless user experience:

  • Solidity: Used to develop the smart contracts that manage the escrow process, ensuring secure and efficient handling of funds on the blockchain.
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Power the front-end design and interactivity, making the tool accessible and easy to use. HTML structures the web pages, CSS adds styling for a visually appealing layout, and JavaScript handles dynamic functionality to enhance the user experience.

Together, these technologies create a secure and user-friendly platform for safe fund transfers.

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