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A perfect public onChain secure password that can be used to socialRecover a smartAccount based off a NFT (erc6551) thanks to merkleTrees.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Polygon — Pool Prize

🥷 Linea — Best Use

Project Description

A perfect public onChain secure password that can be used to socialRecover a smartAccount based off a NFT (erc6551) thanks to merkleTrees. Two out of three values are stored onChain in order to make it secure and the user can recover its smartAccount by providing the missingPart, this way anyone can use blockchain tech without worrying about getting privateKeys stolen or forgetting them. The perfect solution in a simple way.

How it's Made

I used solidity, ethersJs and reactJs. I implemented accountAbstraction basedOff of NFTs and merkleTrees to create a safe onChain password that anyone can see but cant implement/use/exploit. This is thanks to basic cryptography with hashes and the new standard erc6551 that uses a factory to deploys an account for every single nonFungibleToken of every single collection.

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