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WarmStorageChain is an open-source hot storage tier blockchain solution on Filecoin, optimizing decentralized storage and retrieval with a hot data transition layer for rapid retrieval, reduced latency, and enhanced accessibility.


Created At

HackFS 2024

Winner of

Filecoin - Honorable Mentions

Prize Pool

Project Description

I. Overview

Decentralized storage systems like Filecoin offer robust, secure, and scalable storage solutions by distributing data across a network of nodes. However, the decentralized nature of these systems often leads to increased latency and slower access times, especially for data that is not frequently accessed (cold storage). This latency can significantly impact the performance and user experience of applications relying on decentralized storage.

II. Solution: Hot Storage and Retrieval Tier

WarmStorageChain introduces a hot storage tier blockchain solution to mitigate the latency issues inherent in decentralized storage systems. The hot storage tier ensures that frequently accessed data remains in a 'warm' state, providing quicker retrieval times and improved overall performance. This solution is achieved through the integration of several key technologies:

  • Filecoin: A decentralized storage network that transforms cloud storage into an algorithmic market. Filecoin's robust and secure storage capabilities serve as the foundation for WarmStorageChain's data storage.
  • Tendermint ABCI (Application Blockchain Interface): The ABCI layer connects the blockchain with external processes, such as Filecoin retrieval tools. This integration allows WarmStorageChain to fetch Content Identifiers (CIDs) from Filecoin and store the retrieved data on blockchain nodes.
  • Lassie: Filecoin's file retrieval tool, which is used to efficiently retrieve data from the Filecoin network based on the provided CIDs.

III. Key Features

  • Filecoin Integration: Leverages Filecoin for decentralized, secure, and scalable file storage.
  • Hot Storage Tier Blockchain: Keeps frequently accessed data in an optimal state for quick access, addressing the cold storage problem and enhancing data reliability.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Reduces latency and improves data retrieval times through an innovative hot storage tier blockchain mechanism.

IV. Detailed Workflow

  1. Data Storage: Data is initially stored on the Filecoin network using its decentralized storage protocol.
  2. Data Retrieval via Tendermint ABCI and Filecoin Lassie Tool: When a user submits a CID from the Filecoin storage network, WarmStorageChain receives this CID and begins the retrieval process.
  3. Payment Processing: The user pays a fee for the retrieval service. Once the payment is confirmed, the blockchain ABCI function is triggered.
  4. Data Retrieval Using Lassie: The ABCI layer uses Filecoin's Lassie retrieval tool to fetch the data associated with the CID.
  5. Storing Retrieved Data: Upon successful retrieval, WarmStorageChain stores the data on the disk storage of the blockchain nodes.
  6. Transaction Logging: The retrieval and storage transaction is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and traceability.
  7. Data Access: When a data request is made, the hot storage tier blockchain ensures that the data is quickly retrieved from the blockchain nodes' storage, reducing latency and improving efficiency.

V. Integration and Interoperability

WarmStorageChain's integration with Filecoin allows it to leverage Filecoin's decentralized storage capabilities effectively. The use of the Tendermint ABCI layer ensures that WarmStorageChain can seamlessly interact with Filecoin retrieval tools, enabling efficient data management and access.

VI. Benefits

  • Reduced Latency: By maintaining frequently accessed data in a warm state, WarmStorageChain significantly reduces data retrieval times.
  • Enhanced Interoperability: Uses the ABCI protocol to interact seamlessly with Filecoin and other blockchain networks.

How it's Made

I. Technologies Used

  • Filecoin: Primary storage layer, providing secure and scalable storage.
  • Tendermint ABCI: Customized interaction with Filecoin and Lassie.
  • Lassie (Filecoin's Tool): Efficiently retrieves data based on CIDs.

II. Architecture

The following diagram illustrates the WarmStorageChain architecture:

+---------------------+     +--------------------+
|  User CID Submission|     |  Payment Processing|
|      (Client)       |     |      (Client)      |
+----------+----------+     +----------+---------+
           |                           |
           |                           |
           v                           v
+----------+----------+     +----------+--------------+
| WarmStorageChain API|     |     ABCI Function       |
| (Filecoin CID & Fee)|     |(Trigger filecoin Lassie)|
+----------+----------+     +----------+--------------+
           |                           |
           v                           v
+----------+----------+     +----------+---------+
| Lassie Retrieval Tool|    |  Filecoin Storage  |
|  (Fetch Data via CID)|    |  (Decentralized)   |
+----------+----------+     +----------+---------+
           |                           |
           v                           v
+----------+----------+     +----------+---------+
|   Store Data on      |    | Transaction Logging|
| WarmStorageChain Node|    | (Blockchain Record)|
|    (Heating Layer2)  |    |                    |
+----------+----------+     +----------+---------+
|  Gateway Access     |
|  (Retrieve Data)    |
  1. Data Storage on Filecoin: Initial upload and storage in a decentralized manner.
  2. User Interaction and CID Submission: Users submit CIDs for data retrieval.
  3. Payment Processing: Users pay fees for retrieval services.
  4. ABCI Function Triggering: Initiates data retrieval process.
  5. Data Retrieval Using Lassie: Efficiently fetches data from Filecoin.
  6. Storing Retrieved Data: 'Hot' data stored internally on blockchain nodes' disks.
  7. Gateway Access: Provides access to disk-stored files through a gateway.
  8. Transaction Logging: Records retrieval and storage on the blockchain.

III. Challenges and Solutions

  • Seamless Integration: Customized Tendermint ABCI logic for efficient Filecoin-ABCI communication.
  • Data Storage Enhancement: 'Hot Storage Tier' design improves access speed by storing data on blockchain nodes' disks.

IV. Partner Technologies

  • Filecoin: Robust decentralized storage foundation.
  • Tendermint ABCI: Facilitates efficient external process integration.
  • Lassie: Faster data retrieval, ensuring 'hot' data availability.

V. Notable Innovations

  • Custom ABCI Logic: Enhances interaction efficiency for rapid data retrieval.
  • 'Hot Storage and Retrieval Tier' Design: Optimizes Filecoin access speed by storing data internally on blockchain nodes' disks.

VI. Conclusion

WarmStorageChain's innovative integration of Filecoin, customized Tendermint ABCI logic, and Filecoin Lassie tool creates a high-performance decentralized storage solution. The addition of the 'Hot Storage Tier' significantly improves Filecoin's access speed, ensuring quick data retrieval and optimal performance for users.

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