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WASM-IPFS-Serverless is an innovative framework that seamlessly integrates WebAssembly computing with IPFS storage and retrieval, offering a robust serverless solution for decentralized applications (dApps).


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2024

Winner of

Filecoin - Decentralize your dApps with Filecoin 1st place

Project Description

WASM-IPFS-Serverless: Decentralized Computing Made Simple

WASM-IPFS-Serverless is an innovative framework that seamlessly integrates WebAssembly computing with IPFS storage and retrieval, offering a robust serverless solution for decentralized applications (dApps). Empowering developers with cutting-edge technologies, this project revolutionizes how decentralized computing is implemented and utilized.

Key Features and Components

  • WebAssembly Computing: Harness the power of WebAssembly for efficient and scalable computation within decentralized applications.
  • IPFS Integration: Utilize IPFS for secure and decentralized storage and retrieval of data, ensuring data integrity and availability.
  • Serverless Architecture: Embrace a serverless paradigm for flexible and cost-effective deployment of dApps, without the complexities of managing traditional servers.
  • Technical Support: Benefit from seamless integration with Filecoin-Lassie for IPFS file retrieval, Filecoin-IPLD-Go-Car for IPFS Car file extraction, Extism for wasm plug-in mechanism, wazero for wasm virtual machine, and Fiber for high-performance HTTP server capabilities.

How it's Made

Here's a breakdown of how WASM-IPFS-Serverless was built, including the technologies used, their integration, and any notable aspects:

  1. WebAssembly (WASM) Computing:

    • Technology: Leveraged WebAssembly for its efficient and portable bytecode format, enabling high-performance computing within the serverless environment.
    • Integration: Integrated WebAssembly runtime libraries and tools to compile and execute WASM modules seamlessly within the serverless framework.
  2. IPFS Integration:

    • Technology: Utilized IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) for decentralized storage and retrieval of data.
    • Integration: Integrated IPFS libraries and APIs to interact with the IPFS network, allowing for secure and decentralized data storage and retrieval.
  3. Partner Technologies and Benefits:

    • Filecoin-Lassie: Leveraged for IPFS file retrieval, enhancing data access capabilities within the serverless environment.
    • Filecoin-IPLD-Go-Car: Used for IPFS Car file extraction, enabling efficient handling of IPFS Car files within the project.
    • Extism: Integrated for wasm plug-in mechanism, facilitating extensibility and customization of the serverless environment through wasm plugins.
    • wazero: Utilized for wasm virtual machine capabilities, ensuring efficient execution of WebAssembly code within the serverless framework.
    • Fiber: Integrated for high-performance HTTP server functionalities, enhancing network communication and HTTP request handling within the serverless environment.
  4. Notable Aspects

    • Dynamic IPFS Integration: Dynamically integrated with IPFS using Filecoin-Lassie and IPFS CID references in the configuration, allowing for seamless interaction with IPFS resources.

Overall, WASM-IPFS-Serverless aims to improve the convenience of decentralized and edge trusted computing, and aims to provide a powerful and efficient runtime framework for decentralized applications.

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