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Watering Hole

On-Chain Connections: Break the Ice at Web3 Events! We help the Web3 community form closer bonds.

Watering Hole

Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

We envision the future of how Web3 connections can be better formed. Most hackers are socially reserved and can do better at forming connections from people around the world. Our DApp is the perfect social ice-breaker tool that takes advantage of the privacy features of the Oasis chain. It first asks simple lifestyle questions about our users through a form that has binary options. It then encrypts the users' responses and stores them on-chain. When users reveal their addresses, they can discover like-mindedness scores with other people. This provides an engaging way to kickstart conversations and forge connections at social events! We built this prototype believing that it will be useful in future physical social events.

How it's Made

We built this project using the following technologies:

  • Svelte for the frontend
  • Reown for the wallet connection
  • Oasis Protocol for the chain which gives privacy
  • Hardhat for smart contract development
  • Hosted on Netlify

We used Oasis protocol specifically for the privacy reasons. Currently, the score is calculated very simply through a view function. However, we believe that there is room for expansion in the future for open-ended questions. Using ROFL, an AI model could read over the response and give a similarity score.

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