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Proof of Screenshot. Prove a site looked a certain way at a certain time.


Created At


Winner of

1️⃣9️⃣ IPFS/Filecoin — Top 19

🥉 UMA — Best Use

🥈 Gnosis Chain — Best Use

Project Description

This project aims to be an on-demand way-back-machine. A user submits a URL and funds and this triggers a process that:

  1. Sends the URL to decentralized oracle
  2. Multiple nodes spin up, run browser automation, take screenshots of the site, create a hash of the image data, URL, and datetime truncated to the minute.
  3. An NFT of the screenshot is minted for the requesting user.

How it's Made

This project uses @walletconnect on the front-end and uses @UMA on OoG (@optimism on @gnosis) to give requests to node operators. These requests contain a URL, operators are expected to return a hash by following our instructions.

We also experimented with Bacalhau (and many others) to run screen capture and hashing in decentralized compute. For screen capture we tried selenium and cutycapt to capture the DOM. CutyCapt was successfully dockerized and ready for a future platform that allows arbitrary external connections.

background image mobile

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