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Web3 Challange

Web3Chalanges - Decentralized P2P bets and pari. The project gives you the opportunity to bet on events with your friends or strangers

Web3 Challange

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ XMTP — Pool Prize

🏊‍♂️ Valist — Pool Prize

Project Description

The project gives you the opportunity to bet on events with your friends or strangers. This is a bilateral agreement that guarantees payment upon the occurrence of the specified conditions. The amount of the bet as well as the coefficient is determined by creator of Challenge. If the opponent is satisfied with the conditions, he confirms and makes the payment. . To determine the winner, creater will also need to specify a judge (it can be your's common friend,or a guarantor with reviews).After the deadline. The judge determines the winner or establishes a draw. All participants can communicate with each other in the chat

How it's Made

On frontend I using react.js., vite tailwind, material ui
For transactions and conectors Backend : Solidity, Hardhat,. openzeppelin For deployment For messaging Remix Ide Solidity WebStorm Ide Js/css Control version Git

background image mobile

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