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Web3 Soundbox

Unified Payment Aggregator for small merchants enabling cross chain payments

Web3 Soundbox

Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Winner of

🥉 DFNS — Best Use

🥇 Axelar — Best Use

Project Description

We enable small merchants to receive value in crypto supporting cross chain transfers only through One Unified QR code. Every time they receive payments, we emit sound indicating the amount they received, irrespective of the chain . To register, all they need to do is enter their email id and use touch id as a passcode , thanks to DFNS. We enable cross chain messages(of USDC currently) through Axelar Protocol's general message passing feature.

Project was inspired on UPI payment system in India. Where small merchants can have their own Qr code with a device called soundbox. So they don't need to confirm tx finality manually. Thus enabling quantum digital adoption in the country.

We intend to replicate this in this industry as well. For Hackathon purposes, we use a web app instead of a hardware device.

How it's Made

We Deploy a DFNS wallet for every merchant through their email and passcode/touchid. Which then uses safe sdk to create a safe wallet to store value safely on their preferred chain(currently ethereum). Then our factory contracts on each chain deploy a receiving contract for the merchant on each chain through CREATE2. Whenever any of these address receives any USDC, we call a public function to transfer them to the destination chain(USDC) using Axelar Protocol 's Cross chain messaging . Our contracts currently support 3 chain : Polygon , Goerli , Celo..

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