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Web3 Youtube

A web3 Youtube which helps users have the hold of their content and does not depend on any other platform for their content. Users can get superchats in Crypto, make live streams, make rooms with the fellow subscribers, etc

Web3 Youtube

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

The project aims to implement a fast video retrieval system using Saturn, a distributed computing framework. The system will enable users to search for videos based on relevant keywords, retrieve results quickly, and provide an efficient search experience.

The project will involve the following key components and steps:

Data Ingestion: The video dataset will be ingested into the Saturn cluster. This dataset can consist of metadata, such as video titles, descriptions, tags, and other relevant information.

Distributed Computing Setup: The Saturn cluster will be configured to leverage its distributed computing capabilities. This will involve setting up a cluster of machines to distribute the workload and maximize computational efficiency.

Indexing and Preprocessing: The video metadata will be indexed and preprocessed to enable efficient search operations. This step may involve techniques like tokenization, stemming, and creating an inverted index.

Query Processing: A user query will be processed, and relevant keywords will be extracted. The query will then be matched against the indexed metadata to retrieve potential video candidates.

Distributed Search: The search process will be distributed across multiple machines in the Saturn cluster to parallelize the computation. This will significantly speed up the retrieval process by leveraging the computing power of multiple nodes simultaneously.

Relevance Ranking: The retrieved video candidates will be ranked based on relevance to the user's query. This can be achieved using algorithms such as TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) or machine learning models trained on video metadata.

Result Presentation: The top-ranked videos will be presented to the user, along with relevant information such as thumbnail images, video duration, and other metadata. The user will be able to view the videos directly or access further details.

Performance Optimization: The system's performance will be continually optimized to ensure fast retrieval times. Techniques like caching, parallel processing, and distributed caching may be employed to improve the system's overall efficiency.

Throughout the project, thorough testing and evaluation will be performed to validate the system's speed, accuracy, and scalability. The system can also be extended to handle additional features, such as advanced filtering options, personalized recommendations, and real-time indexing for live video streams.

How it's Made

The fast video retrieval system using Saturn will benefit users who require quick access to large video collections, such as video sharing platforms, content creators, and media organizations. It will revolutionize the video search experience by providing near-instantaneous retrieval and enabling efficient exploration of vast video libraries.

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