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Web3Agent 3.0

Web3Assistant: Empowering Users to Seamlessly Access DeFi, Send Transactions, and Retrieve Portfolio Insights in Plain English, with Unified API Support for Both EVM and Non-EVM Platforms.

Web3Agent 3.0

Created At

Superhack 2024

Winner of

Blockscout - Use Blockscout Block Explorer!

Prize Pool

Mode - Best AI & DeFi integration

Project Description

🌐 Web3Agent Overview

  • Empowers intent-based DeFi operations for seamless interaction with decentralized finance.
  • Promotes on-chain research, making it faster and more efficient.
  • Simplifies smart contracts, transaction management, and data queries.
  • Accessible to users without technical expertise.

💼 DeFi Integration: Seamlessly engage with DeFi services, promoting financial inclusivity. Provide educational content for informed decision-making.

🚀 Multi-Chain Deployment: Interact with various blockchains like mode testnet, Base, and optimism testnet, optimism mainnet, Base mainnet for versatile applications.

🛡️Enhanced Blockchain Tools: Web3Agent offers intuitive commands for checking balances, exploring transactions, querying blockchain data, and managing wallet portfolios, promoting accessibility and educational engagement.

👩‍🏫Portfolio Information: Web3Agent provides wallet address balance details, streamlining info asset management for users with multi chain using blockscout

📖 Promotion of Safe DeFi Practices

📘 Guides and tools for safe DeFi participation. 🔍 Helps users manage risks and understand DeFi benefits.

🔏 User-Friendly Smart Contract Interaction

📝 Create and deploy smart contracts easily. 🚀 Multi-chain deployment on various testnets.

How it's Made

🛠️ How it's Made:

  • Interactions: Natural language powered by OpenAI's GPT-4.
  • Backend: Efficient processing using Node.js.
  • Blockchain Interaction: Directly connects with multiple blockchains.
  • Storage: Potentially utilizes IPFS for decentralized storage solutions.
  • Integrations: Blockscout API, Chainlink CCIP, and Enso DeFi API for enhanced blockchain data and operations.
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