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The gateway to web3 is focused on event discovery, creation, and exposure in the context of the Web3 and blockchain industry.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description is focused on event discovery, creation, and exposure in the context of the Web3 and blockchain industry. It aims to serve as a comprehensive platform that aggregates, promotes, and enhances the value of Web3-related events. The project's core functionalities include:

Event Discovery: Providing users with easy access to information about a wide range of Web3 events happening around the world, covering various domains and interests.

Event Creation: Enabling event organizers to create, manage, and promote their Web3-related events, including ticketing and other relevant details.

Event Exposure: Optimizing the visibility and value of these events by connecting organizers with the right sponsors, speakers, and attendees.

We already collected 3000+ events covering 180+ cities. According to the Google analyst, we already served 20K users globally.

How it's Made

Web3event was meticulously crafted using a combination of cutting-edge technologies to ensure a seamless and robust experience for users. Here's an inside look at the nitty-gritty details of our development:

Technological Stack:

Frontend Development:

React.js: The foundation for our dynamic and responsive user interface. Redux: Efficient state management for a smooth and consistent user experience. TypeScript: Bringing static typing to the frontend for improved code quality. Backend Development:

Node.js: The backend is powered by Node.js for its scalability and non-blocking I/O. Express.js: A minimalist web application framework for building robust APIs. MongoDB: Our choice for a flexible and scalable NoSQL database, ideal for managing event data. Database:

MongoDB: Leveraging a NoSQL database for its scalability and schema-less structure, allowing us to adapt to evolving data requirements seamlessly. Authentication:

JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Ensuring secure and efficient user authentication and authorization. Web3 Integration:

Integrating with various web3 protocols and technologies to bring real-world, blockchain-related events to our users. Collaborations with Partner Technologies:

Gitcoin Grants: Engaging with the Gitcoin community and leveraging the platform to raise support for the project. Noteworthy Approaches:

Real-Time Event Updates: Implementing specialized web crawlers to ensure prompt and real-time updates on global events, providing users with the latest information. Dynamic Filtering: Incorporating four different display options, five sorting mechanisms, and eight filtering methods to make event discovery user-friendly and customizable. Hacky Solutions:

Optimized Event Exposure: Developing a sophisticated algorithm to match event organizers with the right sponsors, speakers, and attendees, maximizing the exposure and value of each event. Our strategic use of technologies, collaboration with key platforms, and innovative solutions underscore our commitment to delivering a top-notch experience for the global web3 community through Web3event.

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