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Web3Eye NFT Survivor

Web3Eye NFT Survivor is a tool created by team. The tool is used to backup blockchain content like NFT to Filecoin storage. After then even the original picture is lost, we still can restore it from Filecoin storage.

Web3Eye NFT Survivor

Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

When we built our cross-chain indexer, we found many NFTs lose their original picture due to they're stored in centralized storage, or deleted by the creator. Due to we're Filecoin miner and we're familiar with Filecoin storage, so we have the idea to make a backup of such content then store it to Filecoin storage. After that, when user browse the content and find it's lost, she/he can restore it with our tools and service easily.

How it's Made

We have a backend to index the cross-chain including Ethereum, APTOS, solana, etc. And we'll create snapshot when we're indexing.We implement a Filecoin storage client in our service to store the backup to Filecoin storage. We have a frontend to display the NFTs, and if the original data is lost, user can click restore to restore the data from Filecoin storage. And we may have a bounty smart contract to let community to do that if we cannot find the lost data in our Filecoin storage backup. We implement a Filecoin storage retrieve client in our service to restore the backup from Filecoin storage, and store it to IPFS again. If frontend cannot display original data, it'll display the recovered one with a original data lost tips

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