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I impelemented IVC Folding of zkSNARK in Browser, which is based on WASM, WebRTC, DHT, Nova, and Circom


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description


Load circom output to wasm, can transpile to relaxR1CS Setup (PP, PK, VK) in browser Distribute to browser based p2p network No Server, Pure Browser

Related work:

nalinbhardwaj / Nova-Scotia

  1. cannot running in browser
  2. it simply call node modules in command line lurk-lab/circom-scotia
  3. wasmer is wrong config
  4. may cause mem leak in browser

How it's Made


Rings P2P (WebRTC, WASM, DHT, Rust) (My pervious work) Nova (Folding Scheme, IVC, Bellman(bellpepper) Rings SNARK – load r1cs and wasm to WASM (My pervious work) Web3JS (for generate random Ethereum account in browser)

The demo details:

  1. Establish connection between browsers (with NO server)
  2. Load WASM and R1CS which precompiled via circom
  3. Gen Nova’s RelexR1CS, and do SNARK setup
  4. distribute tasks to nodes.
  5. fold, proof and verify
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