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Our platform aims to empower users by providing them with a mechanism to report harmful web services and dApps, while also equipping web service providers with tools to identify and address these issues.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Our project is a dynamic platform designed to empower users by enabling them to report harmful web services and decentralized applications (dApps). Additionally, our platform equips web service providers with the necessary tools to effectively identify and address these issues. We take action by forwarding the reported instances to abuse website service providers such as domain registrars and hosts, ensuring a proactive approach to tackling harmful content.

As a unique incentive, users actively participating in the reporting process will be rewarded with the native token of our platform. This not only encourages users to contribute to a safer online environment but also creates a mutually beneficial ecosystem for all stakeholders involved. Through this innovative approach, we are committed to fostering a web space that is secure, reliable, and user-driven.

How it's Made

Not every task can be accomplished through blockchain and smart contracts. That's why we've chosen to utilize Node.js and Express.js for our backend, allowing us to efficiently handle the process of receiving reports and forwarding them to service providers. Our frontend is built using Next.js. While blockchain and smart contracts play a crucial role in storing user contributions and providing incentives, we're leveraging them for everything else to ensure a well-rounded system.

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