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Protect your digital assets and ensure their rightful distribution with WillGuard's solution for managing and designating beneficiaries.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

WillGuard is a solution that addresses the challenges faced by users in managing their digital assets. With WillGuard, users can designate beneficiaries for their assets in their wallet, which will be automatically transferred in the event of the user's death or loss of keys. This feature provides a backup plan for lost private keys and ensures that digital assets are distributed according to the owner's intended wishes. Specifically, WillGuard allows for the setting of beneficiaries to the assets in the wallet, including 5ire tokens, ERC-115, or 5ire NFTs, which will be automatically transferred as needed.

How it's Made

I used the following technologies:- Nextjs Solidity tailwindcss Scroll testnet network for contracts thirdweb for deployment of contracts chainlink automation wagmi rainbow kit

Chainlink is used in the contracts so that if There Is No Check In Renewal, Chainlink Automation Will Execute The Transfers, rainbow kit is used to connect wallet and finally the contract interaction is done using wagmi and ethersjs

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