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Wisd is a social-focused hybrid platform using AI and Web3 to offer personalized content recommendations. It bridges creators and users, bypassing traditional algorithms to deliver true, interest-based connections in education and entertainment.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Web3Auth - Grand Prize for Overall Best Web3Auth Integration

Project Description

Wisd is an innovative platform designed to revolutionize the way content is discovered and consumed in the digital age. At its core, Wisd aims to tackle the prevalent issues of biased algorithmic recommendations and limited exposure for diverse content creators that dominate current major platforms.

Wisd is not just another content aggregation platform; it is a dynamic ecosystem that uses advanced AI to provide personalized content recommendations based on a deep understanding of each user's unique preferences and hidden interests. This approach ensures that users are exposed to content that genuinely resonates with them, rather than simply what's trending or algorithmically popular.

Furthermore, Wisd empowers content creators by providing them with a direct channel to their ideal audience, enhanced visibility through fair content curation, and the ability to monetize their work effectively without hefty platform fees. Creators can share free content and sell courses, exclusive videos, articles, and more directly to users who are most likely to value their work.

The platform will integrate robust social interaction features, allowing users to engage with content and creators through comments, likes, and shares, creating a vibrant community around shared interests and learning.

How it's Made

Wisd leverages a stack of::

  1. Frontend: Next.js: Chosen for its ability to create a seamless, intuitive webapp application that works efficiently. Shadcn, a modern UI framework, was used to create an intuitive and responsive design that offers a seamless user experience across various devices.

  2. Smart Contracts in Morph: We utilized Morph to deploy the smart contracts for securely registering users and creators and their related transactions on the platform. The decentralized nature of Ethereum ensures that all records are immutable and transparent, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.

  3. AI Recommendation Engine: Built using Galadriel with his built-in OpenAI integration, the AI engine analyzes user behavior and content preferences to generate personalized content suggestions. Machine Learning models are trained on user interaction data to continually improve the accuracy of recommendations.

  4. Authentication: Web3Auth MPC Core Kit SDK was integrated to provide a non-custodial, seamless login experience to give the user a Web2 experience. This setup enhances security while maintaining user privacy, as it does not require users to manage traditional passwords.

  5. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): MFA implementation for advanced users adds an additional layer of security, ensuring that user accounts are protected against unauthorized access.

  6. Messaging and Communication: XMTP is used to facilitate secure and private messaging between users and creators within the platform. This allows for direct communication, feedback, and networking without compromising privacy, utilizing XMTP's decentralized messaging protocol.

Notable Innovation:

  • AI Personalization: Using Galadriel and OpenAI to analyze and provide the affinity between Content Creators and the Audience is a unique feature that empowers both users and creators and creates a major shift in the creator economy in the way content for education and entertainment is consumed.
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