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Worldcoin <> ENS

Worldcoin <> ENS: This helps verify that a given ENS is a for a real, unique person

Worldcoin <> ENS

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Worldcoin <> ENS This helps verify that a given ENS is a for a real, unique person

Using ENS text records, I'm trying to store the ZK proof of personhood received from WorldId

Worldcoin <> ENS This helps verify that a given ENS is a for a real, unique person

Using ENS text records, I'm trying to store the ZK proof of personhood received from WorldId

How it's Made

Worldcoin <> ENS

  1. Used starter template from ENS
  2. Modified to update text record after signing in with world Id
  3. Used next.js / wagmi / world Id / ens-tools / auth0 to build this
  4. Pending: Want to verify the zk proof received just to complete the loop
  5. Pending: identified a couple of bugs in ens documentation, want to fix that in the future.
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