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WOW is a web3 discovery platform designed to revolutionize how users explore and interact with people, projects, and topics on blockchain by tokenized preferences. It provides a seamless and engaging experience, making it the go-to hub for discovering exciting things in web3.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

WOW - Web3 New Things Discovery Platform

Overview: WOW is a cutting-edge web3 wow things discovery platform designed to revolutionize how users explore and interact with trending projects, people, communities and topics on blockchain networks based on tokenized preferences. It aims to provide a seamless and engaging experience for enthusiasts and newcomers alike, making it the go-to hub for discovering exciting dApps and the latest developments in the web3 space.

Key Features:

User Profiles: WOW allows users to login with wallets to create personalized profiles, where they can manage their preferences, interests, and saved dApps.

NFT-Based Preferences: Users can associate their non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with specific interests or categories. WOW leverages this data to tailor personalized recommendations, built by ERC 6239 semantic soulbound tokens.

Trending Section: The app features a dedicated section showcasing trending dApps, kol topics and web3 projects, helping users stay ahead of the latest innovations.

Minimalistic Interface: WOW's user interface is designed to be intuitive, with a simple interaction model: "Interested, Read more," "Not interested, Swipe it away."

Real-time Data: The platform integrates with web3 APIs to fetch real-time data about dApps' activities, user interactions, and blockchain statistics.

Content-Based Filtering: The recommendation engine employs content-based filtering to match user preferences with relevant dApps, based on tags, metadata, and user interactions.

Collaborative Filtering: WOW uses collaborative filtering to analyze user behaviors and suggest dApps that similar users have found intriguing.

Community Engagement: WOW fosters a vibrant community where users can comment, share experiences, and follow others with similar interests.

Why WOW?

WOW stands out by integrating NFT-based preferences, empowering users to take full ownership of their interests. With its innovative recommendation engine, and real-time data, WOW delivers highly relevant and personalized web3 new things suggestions. The platform's collaborative and engaged community amplifies users' excitement and knowledge-sharing in the web3 space.

WOW unlock new possibilities, and revolutionize the way we explore web3 to discover something new and interesting every day.

How it's Made

We built this project on Polygon using a combination of powerful technologies and sponsor technologies that greatly contributed to its development.

For the user interface, we leveraged Chakra UI as our UI library, providing a sleek and responsive design. React served as our frontend framework, enabling efficient development and seamless user interactions. To handle network requests, Axios was employed, ensuring reliable communication with the backend.

For global state management, Jotai played a vital role, simplifying the process and enhancing the performance of state management across the app.

To interact with the network seamlessly, we integrated Ethers and Wagmi, facilitating smooth interactions with smart contracts and blockchain data.

To ensure security and compatibility, we integrated WalletConnect and Metamask, enabling users to connect their wallets securely to the app.

One noteworthy and hacky aspect of our project is the construction of a personal interest graph. To achieve this, we developed Solidity smart contracts adhering to the EIP 6239 Semantic SBTs. Users can interact with the app and construct their behavior graph by tokenized preference in the form of ERC-6239. This personalized graph allows for highly tailored and accurate recommendations.

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