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x call tracker helps users of contracts that depend on Connext to get real time status information about their xCalls through Push protocol


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

🔟 Push Protocol — Top 10

Project Description

Users of Dapps that use xCalls need to wait for some time before their cross chain transactions are relayed across the network and they get confirmation on the destination chain. If using Metamask notifications, the user will not be aware about destination chain activities. If using Connext tracker, the user has to keep on viewing the tracker until the transaction goes through. This can take up to a few hours in case of authenticated calls. x call tracker helps users get their xCall status changes in real time through Push protocol. It uses Polygon Mumbai as the source contract and Optimism Goerli as the destination contact for the demo xCall. xCall status changes are relayed via Connext Subgraphs.

How it's Made

Uses Connext Greeter contracts on Polygon Mumbai 0x169a2304E5b8fFFa197b016DaEAEe9c9AEDbdC6A and Optimism Goerli 0x9569261f4A72Cc4E37935C09e88cD2bC87E1d2e1. It uses Connext Subgraphs to track information of xCall status changes involving the address that is interested in getting status updates through Push protocol. In the current iteration, uses in memory address for checking interested addresses but future versions will use Polybase to track interested addresses and send notifications.

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