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Solving issues in twitter like blue tick with web3 solutions


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

This project is aiming to solve some issues in twitter using web3.

First issue everyone knows is the blue tick. Anyone can buy a blue tick by paying 8$ a month and this has caused various issues on twitter. In our solutions we are selecting some OGs who can attest others, after certain level of attestation even they are OG now and can attest others. In this way getting verified very difficult for malicious parties.

Second item is currently twitter's tweet are limited just 280 words. with this project user can interact with blockchain from the tweet itself.

Third is people shares various prediction on twitter, we are giving them a place where they can predict on certain outcomes and winning party gets the staked money from losing party.

How it's Made

There are 3 main parts for this project

  1. Dashboard: Here people configure all their settings, here after they configure settings like which smart contract to call they ultimately get a link from the dashboard. This dashboard they paste in their tweet

  2. Extension: It looks for this links and parse it for the user. User who doesn't have a link, the link will open in another page and then they can continue, in this way this project is backward compatible

  3. Smart contract: All the configuration of dashboard is stored in smart contract.

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