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A cross-chain bridge supported by LzyerZero and Chainlink Data feeds


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

I want to build a cross-chain, multi-token bridge that sends messages across chains using Axeler, and balances the prices of various assets using Chainlink's data feeds.

I plan to deploy on Sepolia and Scroll, and want the bridge to support token transfer directly b/w Link and ETH , as in deposit LINK on one network and get ETH on the other network.

How it's Made

Uses Axeler's GMP to pass messages, and uses Chainlink's data feeds to balance prices.

I plan to deploy on Sepolia and Scroll, and want the bridge to support token transfer directly b/w Link and ETH , as in deposit LINK on one network and get ETH on the other network. I plan to deploy on Sepolia and Scroll, and want the bridge to support token transfer directly b/w Link and ETH , as in deposit LINK on one network and get ETH on the other network.

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