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xNFT Launchpad

Deploy NFTs on multiple chains using a single launchpad - xNFT!

xNFT Launchpad

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of

🏊‍♂️ Connext — Pool Prize

Project Description

This project is aimed at solving the problem of interoperability when it comes to NFTs. What would happen if your favourite game could be played on multiple chains? What if you had the opportunity to move between chains to see where a particular type of NFT is performing the best. This is where our launchpad can be an ideal solution. On a single click, you can deploy your NFTs into multiple chains of your choice.

How it's Made

We have been using Solidity, Connext and Quicknode for the Blockchain side of things and using ReactJS for FE. Connext SDK provides end points to multiple chains, so that's quite helpful. Covalent provides API end points to fetch data related to NFTs. We have been struggling with building interoperable games and trying to understand as to how we can leverage the benefit of NFTs across chains on one click - what we built in this short hackathon time period was impressive.

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