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Real-time cost abstraction through verifiable, off-chain price data. Single click, multi-chain execution via multi-chain intents. Applications: cross-chain gas pricing, constant-price subscriptions, and xTransactions.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

Gnosis Chain - EVM Migration Tool Prize

Arbitrum - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

xPay is an innovative blockchain platform designed to integrate verifiable off-chain information directly onto the blockchain. It serves as a bridge between off-chain data, i.e. data from other chains and the real-world, and on-chain data, opening up a plethora of possibilities for cross-chain transactions.

The key functionality of xPay lies in its ability to provide accurate gas fees for destination chains while operating on a source chain, all in the native currency of the source. This unique feature not only streamlines the transaction process but also enhances its efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

xPay introduces the concept of "xTransactions," a novel approach where users pay for gas only once but can execute transactions on multiple chains. This feature is particularly advantageous for scenarios like executing identical administrative functions across various blockchains or deploying contracts seamlessly across multiple chains with a single action.

Another significant use case of xPay is its capacity to maintain stable pricing in USD terms, despite the volatility of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum. This stability is vital for vendors who require consistent pricing in fiat, ensuring that fluctuations in the crypto market don't adversely impact their operations.

How it's Made

xPay was developed using a blend of Solidity for smart contract implementation on Ethereum and Python for processing and verifying off-chain data. The smart contracts at the core of xPay are designed to validate the authenticity and accuracy of off-chain data, ensuring its reliability when brought on-chain.

Off-chain, Python scripts are utilized to gather real-time data essential for cross-chain functionalities, such as gas prices and currency exchange rates. This data is securely processed and integrated into the blockchain via the smart contracts.

A standout feature in xPay's development is the use of Ethereum's cryptographic functions for data verification. This ensures that the off-chain data integrated on-chain is not only accurate, but also originates from a trusted source (verifed).

One inventive aspect of xPay is its handling of different data standards across various blockchains. The platform uses specialized data normalization techniques to ensure seamless interoperability and interaction between diverse blockchain networks.

In essence, xPay represents a sophisticated amalgamation of blockchain and verifiable off-chain technologies, crafted to address the complex challenges of decentralized finance and multichain transactions.

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