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Xstream is a token-gated Video streaming platform for watching exclusive content of your favourite streamers by minting their NFT and also can chat with these streamers using Push Chat by holding their NFT.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

2️⃣0️⃣ Push Protocol — Top 20

Project Description

Xstream is a token-gated Video streaming platform for watching exclusive content of your favourite streamers by minting their NFT and also can chat with these streamers using Push Chat by holding their NFT. Users can send chat and superchat which includes crypto to their favourite streamer live during streams.

To overcome this I used Huddle01 SDK for video streaming and recording sessions and private exclusive streaming for exclusive subscribers who have minted the NFTs of that streamer.

In this hackathon I have implemented

Recording Sessions => Using Huddle01's useRecording hook, streamers can now record their streams and upload it on IPFS to provide the users with missed live streams. I have integrated the code at the below line,

Push Notifications => Push notification SDK has been used to send notification to the streamer whenver a viewer sends a Superchat which includes crypto. Users will also recieve notification when the streamer stop their stream and can be navigated to home page.

Push Chat => Push Chat SDK has been used for users with exlusive NFT of their favourite streamer to chat with them live using Push Sockets and can also send chat requests. Streamers can approve chat requests of these users and can continue chatting with them.

ENS => ENS name and avatar has been used to display ENS name and avatar on the frontend of users and streamers even though the dapp has been deployed on Polygon Mumbai Network.

XStream is a revolutionary streaming platform where the content streamers hold full royalty over the stream money and don't have to depend on intermidiaries.

How it's Made

The project uses Huddle01 SDK, PUSH Notification SDK, PUSH Chat SDK, ENS using ethersJs.

Huddle01 SDK Huddle01 has been used for video and audio streaming toggling camera and mic and producing it to multiple users. It has recording button where streamers can record their stream for users who missed the livestream. It also uploads the recorded session on to IPFS which makes it secure.

Push Notifications SDK Push Notifications SDK has been used to notify the users if the stream they are viewing gets stopped. It is also used to notify streamers if some user sends them a Superchat which includes crypto during streaming.

Push Chat SDK Push Chat SDK is used to chat with streamers and send them chat requests only if you hold their NFT. Users can chat with the streamers live using Push Chat SDK.

ENS I have used ENS name and avatar to show it on the frontend.

I have created Token Gated chatting platform with streamers using PUSH Chat SDK, I think this was implemented the first time by any participant before which makes it notable and worth mentioning.

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