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Transaction builder to deposit in multiple cross chain vaults in one transaction.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

A transaction builder platform to form buckets out of any yield-bearing platforms like AAVE, COMP, YEARN, etc, same chain or cross-chain, and then send your tokens to these vaults in a single transaction and get a concrete portfolio in one click. So rather than going to all these platforms on separate chains you can just stau on one chain deposit your funds there.

How it's Made

Used Connext for sending funds cross-chain to different vaults, their test-net currently supports WETH so we are sticking to that. for all the data we are copulationg aave subgraphs from all the multi-network test chains into one through an API and displaying the data. Then we are using the connext-Sdk to fetch the relayer fee. Then forming the payload to our contracts at the frontend for all the transactions passing the data to an xcall.

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