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Yama Liquidation Checker

This tool checks if your Yama vault has been liquidated by querying blockchain events

Yama Liquidation Checker

Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

Project Description

Users can use this tool to check if their Yama Finance (a lending protocol) vaults have been liquidated. There's a subgraph by Yama that updates a database based on blockchain events, including liquidations. This project queries the Yama subgraph to check liquidation auctions for vaults owned by the specified address.

How it's Made

There's a subgraph for Yama Finance that updates a database based on blockchain events, including liquidation auctions. This project has a web app that simply queries the Yama subgraph to check liquidation auctions for vaults owned by the specified address. This information can be used by users to determine if their vaults have been liquidated.

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