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The Decentralized Verifiable Credentials Document Issuance Infrastructure is a platform where institutions can issue and store VC Documents for holders in a decentralized manner.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

This platform enables institutions to issue credentials and documents in a secure and privacy focused way, while giving holders full control over their data. With this approach, Thus, Issuers can deploy Encrypted Documents into IPFS/Filecoin and Mint Soulbound token for their Holders and Holders can use Lit Protocol to Gate their documents.

As an example, a university can issue a graduation document for a student on Filecoin. The data will be stored and encrypted in a format on decentralized storage services. And student can enable access and end up access for their document for anyone with Lit Protocol Decentralized Access Control system.

Project Business Logic: ISSUER: Issuer creates Non-transferable and burnable ERC20 Gate Token Contract for granting decryption access for possessor of the Gate Token Then, uploads encrypted file to IPFS in the Filecoin network with with Lit Protocol Access Control Issuer deploys Soulbound Token which includes CID and encryptedSymmetricKey and mints it to the Holder

HOLDER: Now, holder has Soulbound Token which includes encrypted document link and Mint Access for Gate Token to grant access to the document for Verifier When holder wants to show verifier their Document, the holder mints Gate Token to Verifier When the holder end up the access to the document, burns Gate Token from Verifier

VERIFIER: The Verifier who has the Gate Token for the Encrypted Document can Decrypt it via Lit Protocol and Verify it has correct information.

Further works:

In the Soulbound token, beside the encrypted document, ERC-5851 On-Chain Verifiable Credentials formatted credentials of the holder, verifier can verify the truth of the information in the document with zero knowledge proofs. So, Credentials can be verified with ERC-5851 Compatible Verifiable Credential format without the need for a central authority.

Also if you want to build a dataDao or a secret project. You want to share your private data with a few selected people. You can give access control of to these people by the power of lit protocol. With our infrastructure you can mint some nft or erc20 or some of your own logic, give access data to your dataDao or selected a few people.

How it's Made

To build our project, we harnessed the power of the Lit Protocol SDK for Token Gated Access Control and file encryption/decryption. The Lit Protocol played a central role in ensuring secure and controlled access to our files. With its SDK, we implemented Token Gated Access Control, allowing only authorized individuals possessing the necessary tokens to decrypt and access the files.

For decentralized and reliable storage of our encrypted files, we turned to Filecoin. We leveraged the Filecoin Calibration/Hyperspace testnets, which provided us with a simulated environment to test our integration. By utilizing Filecoin's decentralized storage capabilities, we could securely store and retrieve our encrypted files, ensuring data integrity and persistence.

To upload the encrypted files onto the IPFS network, we made use of This service acted as a convenient gateway for interacting with IPFS, simplifying the upload process. By utilizing, we could seamlessly integrate our project with the IPFS network, taking advantage of its decentralized nature and robust file sharing capabilities.

The combination of Lit Protocol, Filecoin,, and IPFS allowed us to implement a comprehensive and secure file storage and access system. The Lit Protocol provided token-based access control, ensuring that only authorized users could decrypt and access the files. Filecoin's decentralized storage offered durability and reliability, while simplified the interaction with IPFS, facilitating the seamless upload of encrypted files.

We had integrated push protocol and ENS. An issuer can send and receive files to the receiver's ens name. This will protect holders from sending their data to a wrong address. We also integrated push protocol. Every time an issuer has access to any file issuer will be notified by push protocol.

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