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Introducing Zeekay-Warden: A token-gated community management tool using zero-knowledge proofs to verify token ownership. It supports role-based access control, linking tokens to roles for customized access levels. Privacy, security, and seamless community gating! #web3 #zk


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Project Description

Zeekay-Warden is an innovative tool designed to manage token-gated communities with enhanced privacy and security. It leverages zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to verify token ownership without revealing any sensitive information. This enables users to prove they hold specific tokens required to join or access a community, ensuring privacy while validating membership.

Key features include:

Token Ownership Verification: Using ZKPs, Zeekay-Warden verifies whether users possess the tokens required by a community, without exposing wallet details or token ownership specifics. This ensures privacy while maintaining community standards.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Zeekay-Warden allows community admins to assign different tokens to different access roles. This means that various tokens can be mapped to specific roles, granting members different levels of access and permissions within the community, ensuring a flexible governance system.

Multi-Token Support: Communities can use different types of tokens (ERC-721, ERC-20, etc.), each mapped to a different role or level of access. This feature empowers communities to enforce tiered access, making it ideal for managing diverse groups with varying levels of participation.

Seamless Integration: Zeekay-Warden integrates smoothly with platforms like Discord to manage membership and permissions based on token ownership. It automates the process of checking ownership and assigning roles in real-time, offering a user-friendly experience for both community admins and members.

Privacy-Preserving Membership: Since users don't need to expose their wallet addresses or token balances, Zeekay-Warden enhances privacy and security within the community, ensuring only the required proof of ownership is shared using cryptographic proofs.

Scalability: Whether you're managing a small group or a large, global community, Zeekay-Warden can scale to meet the needs of any organization that uses token-gated access.

Zeekay-Warden provides a robust, privacy-centric, and flexible solution for managing modern tokenized communities, with a focus on security, role management, and decentralized governance.

How it's Made

Zeekay-Warden is a tool designed to manage token-gated communities with privacy, security, and scalability in mind. It uses zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) to verify token ownership without revealing wallet details, ensuring members' privacy. The tool supports role-based access control (RBAC), allowing different types of tokens to be linked with specific roles for tiered access within a community.

Zeekay-Warden integrates with Dynamic for wallet management, enabling users to connect and manage multiple wallets seamlessly. It is available on the AirDAO network, chosen for its zero gas fees, making it easier for larger communities to attract members without cost barriers.

Additionally, Zeekay-Warden is available on Morph, leveraging its advanced zero-knowledge features to provide enhanced privacy and cryptographic proof efficiency, perfect for privacy-focused communities.

With support for multiple tokens and networks, Zeekay-Warden provides flexibility for community admins to customize access, making it an ideal solution for decentralized organizations, token-based communities, and DAOs. It offers a streamlined way to manage memberships, enforce privacy, and ensure a frictionless onboarding process for users across diverse blockchain ecosystems.

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