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Building a web3 solution for Scientific Article peer review and publishing platform


Created At

HackFS 2023

Winner of

🏃 FVM — Runner Up

Project Description

This project combines the web2 peer review and publishing process with FEVM and Filecoin storage. We have build a DAO on FEVM, which takes decisions to add reviewers and scientific article to the system. Once, the DAO accepts a new reviewer he is eligible to review an article submitted by authors across the globe. A reviewer can either accept or reject an article. A DAO can either accept or reject a reviewer's decision. If both reviewer and DAO accepts an article, then that article is ready to be published. All ready to be published articles are packed as an volume and then a request for storage deal is sent to the Filecoin network. The storage deal is about storing the volume.

How it's Made

We have gone through for building DAO and for making storage deals. Apart from this we have developed a back-end and front-end using typescript and nodeJS. One particular thing that is notable in our project is this might the first of its kind of a project to completely revolutionise scientific article peer review and publishing process.

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