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Unlock private transactions with untraceable Stealth Addresses on the mantle and scroll Networks.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

Project Description


Unlock private transactions with untraceable Stealth Addresses on the mantle and scroll Networks. Send and receive native token securely. Discover a world of confidential, effortless transfers now.

Key Features

Key Features of Alzil :

  1. Enhanced Privacy: By introducing Stealth Address technology on the mantle and scroll Networks, this project aims to augment transaction privacy. This enhancement aligns with the ethos of decentralization and privacy preservation that underpins the Mantle and Scroll ecosystem.

  2. Financial Inclusion: By enabling anonymous and effortless transfers of eth or mnt, this project could foster financial inclusion. Individuals and entities who prioritize privacy can engage in the Mantle and Scroll ecosystem with enhanced confidentiality, potentially attracting a broader user base.

  3. Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface that facilitates secure, private transactions lowers the entry barrier for those unfamiliar with blockchain technology. A simplified user experience could accelerate adoption rates and foster a more inclusive Mantle and Scroll ecosystem.

  4. Security: Ensuring transaction security while maintaining user privacy is crucial for sustaining trust and engagement in the Mantle and Scroll ecosystem. By offering robust security features, this project could contribute to bolstering the overall safety of financial interactions within the ecosystem.

  5. Innovation and Competitiveness: The integration of new technologies such as Stealth Addresses on the RSK Network exemplifies continued innovation in the Mantle and Scroll ecosystem. It also enhances the competitiveness of Mantle and Scroll-related solutions compared to other blockchain ecosystems that might offer similar privacy features.

Local deployment

  1. in the webapp directory run yarn to procced with installing all the packages

  2. run the local dev app

    yarn start 

How it's Made

  • Remix Ethereum development environment

  • react React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components.

  • elliptic Fast elliptic-curve cryptography in a plain javascript implementation.

  • wagmi React Hooks for Ethereum

  • mantle an Ethereum rollup, Mantle Treasury and a token holder governed roadmap for products and initiatives..

  • scroll Scroll seamlessly extends Ethereum’s capabilities through zero knowledge tech and EVM compatibility. The L2 network built by Ethereum devs for Ethereum devs..

Contract Address



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