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A starknet wallet that tries to offer a better UX for Multi Owner Accounts


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Nethermind - Best projects building on Starknet

Project Description

Ziritas is a wallet app that tries to erase the friction of using Multi Owner Accounts in starknet, by introducing one-click share so people can join your MOA session creation without sharing addresses back and forth and so avoiding any error. It also introduces the concept of WMOA (Weighted MultiOwnerAccounts) which thanks to Starknet Native Account Abstraction lets us define weights for each owner (transaction execution not implemented ONLY initialisation)

How it's Made

Ziritas is a native iOS app built with swift, we use firebase for MOA sessions. For the contracts we took as a base the Braavos Account Contracts which are public in their repo , and using Cairo we could customize for example the MOA to try to implement WMOA. We also use AVNU api to fetch prizes in the wallet.

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