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ZK Factor

Aztec's Sandbox with Account Abstraction and Private Contracts features, it introduces an additional authentication factor to the conventional private key system.

ZK Factor

Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Aztec - Best overall Aztec Sandbox dapp

Project Description

ZK-Factor looks at blockchain security by integrating an extra layer of authentication on top of the traditional private key mechanism. Utilising the advanced capabilities of Aztec's Account Abstraction and Private Contracts, ZK-Factor enables users to execute transactions with increased security. By combining these sophisticated features, ZK-Factor looks at building a Proof of Concept of how to make blockchains more user friendly.

How it's Made

Account Abstraction: ZK-Factor uses Aztec's Account Abstraction feature to simplify user accounts into smart contracts. This abstraction allows for more complex and customizable authentication processes beyond the standard private key usage. It enables the implementation of additional security checks or requirements before transactions can be processed.

Private Contracts and Private Data: Leveraging Aztec's Private Contracts, ZK-Factor ensures that the transactions and data within these contracts are kept confidential. This is achieved through zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), a cryptographic method that allows one party to prove to another that a statement is true, without revealing any information beyond the validity of the statement itself.

Technical Implementation: Account Creation: Users create an account on the blockchain, represented as a smart contract. This contract incorporates logic for both standard private key authentication and the additional authentication factor introduced by ZK-Factor.

Enhanced Authentication Mechanism: To add an extra layer of security, ZK-Factor integrates an additional factor that could range from biometric data to time-based constraints or even a multi-signature requirement. This mechanism is built into the user's account smart contract, ensuring that both factors must be verified before any transaction is approved.

ZKPs for Data Privacy: Throughout this process, ZK-Factor utilizes zero-knowledge proofs to ensure that all sensitive information remains confidential. This not only applies to the authentication process but also to the transaction details, thereby providing a comprehensive privacy solution for blockchain users.

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