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Shareable privacy-preserving profiles utilizing Sismo zkConnect and Polybase for data storage. Scroll zkEVM chat (not implemented, ran out of time)


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

Shareable privacy-preserving profiles utilizing Sismo zkConnect and Polybase for data storage. Scroll zkEVM chat (not implemented, ran out of time). Transaction badges and NFT holdings will also be added, the specific token won't be shown but it can show how the user is active in certain communities and might have relevant interest to other users.

How it's Made

React + TypeScript + NextJS + Tailwind.

Sismo zkConnect for user authentication, Polybase to store profile details and profile interactions (likes). This allows for users never seeing other users wallet addresses as it is never used on our site.

Scroll contracts for chatting, however these were not plugged into the frontend yet as we ran out of time. The contract is deployed on the Scroll zkEVM.

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