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Welcome to ZK-Vote, a privacy-preserving and trusted voting platform built on World ID.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Project Description

Say goodbye to the days where candidates would make claims about elections being rigged when they lost. With World ID and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), voting can be dramatically enhanced. By leveraging World ID to prove that you are a unique voter, and DLT to publish non-sensitive voting data on-chain for tracking and data analytics. ZK-Vote adds trust and reliability to the voting process by promoting transparency, auditability and real-time tracking of votes. This Web3 voting solution is a game-changer and can help drive high volumes of traffic to Polygon to view and track the voting occasions. This solution can also reduce the cost of hosting elections by streamlining the voting process along with reducing paper usage, and increase voting participation by providing a better user experience for voters through ease-of-identification with World ID and transparency with on-chain voting data. Check out the following link to watch a demo of ZK-Vote (

How it's Made

ZK-Vote uses the World ID React and Next.js template for using World IDs to verify that voters are a unique human being. The voting smart contract is written in Solidity and deployed to the Polygon Mumbai Testnet. ZK-Vote's demo link is hosted using (

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