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zKare is a decentralized, zero knowledge based healthcare data distribution platform leveraging EAS and the convenience of digital wallets to keep patient data in the hands of the patients while enabling researchers to access data.


Created At

ETHGlobal Waterloo

Winner of

🏊 The Graph — Pool Prize

🤫 EAS — Privacy Preserving

Project Description

Medical data management and analytics are crucial components of the healthcare system. In recent times, the advent of digital technologies has facilitated the collection, processing, and analysis of medical data. However, the potential of medical data is not fully realized due to concerns related to data privacy, security, and ownership. The centralized management of medical data also poses challenges related to interoperability, scalability, and accessibility. In this context, zkare is a decentralized platform that ensures secure and privacy-preserving medical data management and analytics. The platform is based on the concept of proof of trust, which enables users to control their data while allowing healthcare institutions to access and use the data for research and development. zkare is a decentralized platform that ensures secure and privacy-preserving medical data management and analytics. The platform is based on the concept of proof of trust, using the newel protocol, which enables users to control their data while allowing healthcare institutions to access and use the data for research and development. The zkare platform solves the interoperability challenge by providing a decentralized platform that enables healthcare providers to access patient data from multiple sources securely. Patients can choose to share their data with healthcare providers, researchers, and other stakeholders. In exchange, they can receive incentives, such as compensation or access to new treatments and therapies. The platform also solves the data privacy and security challenge by using zero-knowledge proofs to ensure that patient data is protected from unauthorized access and misuse. Zero-knowledge proofs allow healthcare providers to access patient data without revealing any sensitive information, ensuring that patient privacy is preserved. The current healthcare system faces challenges in medical data management and analytics. These include lack of interoperability, data privacy and security issues, lack of patient control over data, difficulties in incentivizing data sharing, and scalability and accessibility problems. To address these challenges, zkare proposes a decentralized platform using zero-knowledge (zk) proofs for data security and patient privacy. It allows patients to control their data and share it with trusted organizations, incentivizes data sharing.

How it's Made

ZKare is built around the Ethereum Attestation Service. Researchers permit doctors to participate in a study by attesting to their credentials, and doctors contribute data to studies by attesting to the health records of their patients. This web of attestations is designed to allow patients to participate in research study while providing assurances that their data is anonymous and de-personalized. The application is written in Typescript and is deployed to the optimism-goerli blockchain it makes use of the ethereum-attestation-service sdk

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