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Prove that you are a human older than 18 years old by obtaining a Passport ZK credential and verifying it through ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proof) without revealing other data


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

This project includes frontend application and noir lang. The application obtains a Passport Zero-Knowledge Credential (ZKC - credentials suitable for ZKP) from a ZKC issuer. The ZK credential then undergoes a proof function, which generates a ZK proof confirming that the user is a human and is over 18 years old. Subsequently, the user can utilize this ZK proof to authenticate themselves on-chain or off-chain. About ZKC:

How it's Made

This project uses:

  • Zero-Knowledge Credential Issuer ( Application uses @sybil-center/zkc-core lib to intagrate with sybil center. It helps get Passport ZK credential. Passport ZK credential contains information from user Goverment ID.
  • Noir language to create circuits and proof function on the frontend. It helps create proof that user is human and older than 18 y.o. and verify the proof. The verifier will be situated within the same app as the proofer.
  • React or Next as frontend framework
  • TypeSript, Solidity, Noir as programming languages
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