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Large Computations Market based on zero-knowledge proofs. The core algorithm is based on Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (SNARKs) generations and verification in EVM based smart contracts.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Arbitrum - Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions

Prize Pool

Project Description

ZkComputations is a platform where everyone can list a large computation problem and set a reward for the one who solves it. This platform could be used for incentivizing public good movements on different blockchain communities. You can imagine multiple grants for funding the next prime number or Mersenne prime discovery or solving np-hard problem which is ultimately improving the whole cryptography sector.

How it's Made

How it works?

  • Solution Seeker X wants to find the answer of Large Computation Problem.
  • X generates a verifier contract and deploys it
  • The verifier contract is funded by X with some amount that will be used for potential reward
  • The Problem desciption is posted on ZkComputations UI app
  • Problem Solver Y tries to solve the big computation problem
  • If Y finds the solution then Y generates the proof off-chain using zokrates
  • Y send transaction to Verifier Contract containing the proof and withdraws half of the amount
  • Y is insentivized to reveal the actual solution to X (via email or on-chain) in order to receive the rest of the reward
  • X can verify the actual solution and then send the extraReward to Y, otherwise his rating goes down and money are locked forever
  • If X and Y finish the flow end to end this constitutes a Nash equilibrium

This process addresses several key challenges:

Establishing a platform for tackling significant computational problems. Incentivizing participants to contribute solutions by offering rewards. Safeguarding participants from front-running attempts. Ensuring that the solution submitter can verify their reward eligibility. Conducting on-chain verification of substantial computations. Ultimately, making the solution to complex computations publicly accessible, thereby contributing to the public good.

Technologies employed include:

  • Zokrates, a toolkit for zkSNARKs on the Ethereum network.
  • Zero-knowledge proofs.
  • Solidity smart contracts.
  • Base blockchain and Arbitrum blockchain
  • Frontend Application - nextjs
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