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zkDELX is a decentralized electricity exchange market based on zkEVM to facilitate the electrical vehicles and renewable energy industries.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

📜 Scroll — Just Deploy!

Project Description

zkDELX is an innovative decentralized electricity exchange protocol based on zkEVM that facilitates the integration of electric vehicles and renewable energy industries. This protocol provides a user-friendly and efficient experience, similar to popular ride-sharing services like Uber, to match the supply side of green energy generated from households with surplus energy storage, and the demand side of electric vehicles finding charging sources in a very convenient way.

Sellers can create an offer by providing their energy storage information, location, and electricity price, which is aggregated from local real-time electricity prices using a price oracle. Buyers can select the offer based on the options of price, demand for electricity, and distance between the seller's energy storage location and the buyer's electric vehicle.

Powered by advanced zkEVM technology scaling solutions, the transaction is low-cost and high-volume.

To further decentralize the platform, the backend database also utilizes a decentralized database to store information. As a result, the transaction data can potentially become a public good product that facilitates research and development within the green industry.

Here are descriptio slides of the zkDELX project:

How it's Made

The project utilizes smart contracts deployed on zkEVM blockchains. It is built upon two major pieces: zkEVM and a complete L2 architecture. Sponsor technologies such as Scroll, Polygon, and Taiko were used to enhance the capabilities of zkEVM.

The backend of the project is decentralized and uses Polybase, a privacy-preserving decentralized database built on zk-STARKs. A zk-rollup combined with native indexing allows decentralized database rules, fast queries, and scalable writes. The frontend of the project is built using wagmi, a collection of React Hooks that makes it easy to work with EVM. wagmi enables the user to connect a wallet, display ENS and balance information, sign messages, and interact with contracts.

The project also relies on a price oracle that aggregates data from electricity price suppliers such as The U.S. Energy Information Administration and Alberta Electric System Operator.

Overall, the project uses a variety of cutting-edge technologies to provide a decentralized platform for facilitating the integration of electric vehicles and renewable energy industries. By leveraging sponsor technologies and a decentralized database, the project is able to scale and offer fast, efficient, and secure transactions

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