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DAOs or any organization can do a vote process without revealing who voted in who


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Project Description

Privacy is very important in elections end voting. For this ZKGov solves the problem, using Aztec L2 technology. Let's imagine: You have governance tokens of a DAO, and wanna vote in something without expose in what you voted. You use ZKGov to bridge this token to Aztec and interact with another Bridge inside Aztec, that will understand what was your option on the votation, using the parameter _auxData. Then when the voting ends, all users get their tokens back so they bridge it to L1 again.

How it's Made

I used OpenZeppelin for the ERC-20 token standard, Aztec Base Bridge contract for doing da process of anonimization of voting by doing this interaction on Aztec L2. I started coding this project on saturday at 8 PM (lol), and the Aztec guys helped a lot to understand the technology! I challenged my self for using Foundry and Aztec, two technologies I never used before this event. I liked it a lot and will use it on my company for sure! Thx!!!

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