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Perpetual dex for private trading built on ZK smart-contracts on MINA protocol


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Our perpetual exchange uses latest ZK technologies, thus providing users with complete privacy without losing decentralization. We take pride in offering a range of advantages that set us apart in the financial instruments market:

  1. Privacy and Security: We've developed our exchange on the Mina protocol, using zk-contracts. This ensures complete privacy and security for your actions, with all the logic residing within smart contracts. Your financial data remains entirely confidential.

  2. Flexibility to Trade Across Various Markets: Our exchange is equipped with the vAMM model, enabling trading on any markets for which we can provide a price feed. This means you can trade a variety of assets, including cryptocurrencies, tokens, stocks, or other financial instruments.

  3. Shared Liquidity Across Markets: Our mechanisms allow us to combine liquidity from all markets, creating opportunities for users to trade even when demand for a specific asset is low. This provides you with flexibility and freedom in choosing trading strategies.

  4. Minimal Slippage Guaranteed: Our vAMM model employs the "user vs exchange" concept, meaning user orders are automatically executed by the exchange with minimal slippage. This ensures that your transactions are executed at the best prices, delivering optimal results.

  5. Complete Decentralization: Our project is exclusively built on smart contracts. This means that transaction management and execution occur without intermediaries or centralized structures, giving you full control over your assets.

How it's Made

Project is built on MINA protocol with o1js framework used for zk smart-contracts that act as an application core. All users positions and their data are stored off-chain (currently on a client) and only their hashes are stored on-chain in a merkle tree. When user closes his position he generates proof that he has preimage of some merkle tree leaf and that he has some profit/loss on this position. This way, the user can prove that he made some $ on a trade without showing any information about the trade itself.

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