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Users can export their reputation on one address to another with ZK using semaphore


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Project Description

Want to tell the world that you own a punk without telling them which one you own? want to prove that you're a whale but without revealing your total asset and your address? This project leverages ZK technology to give you reputation in the form of ERC1155, proving that you have certain on-chain state, without revealing your privacy, your source address!

How it's Made

Users can export their reputation on one address to another with ZK using semaphore. The system allows anyone to create a reputation group with a smart contract address acting as a hook to check the conditions on-chain.

When a user tries to join a group, it checks the condition, and if the condition passes, the user identity is added to the group.

When the user wants to export the reputation secretly to another address, they can prove that they are in the group without revealing which one they are with ZK magic through Semaphore. The contract will then mint an ERC1155 to the target address!

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