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ZKRPS is a Rock Paper Scissors zk game on Farcaster. Cast your play as a zk proof and defy anyone on the Farcaster network.


Created At

ETHGlobal Paris

Project Description

You can defy anyone on the Farcaster network by sending a zk proof that you played a valid move and then the other player can play a move and reveal what was the move of the first player. The flow is you prove that you're playing a valid move, then send it to the Farcaster network as a cast mentioning the person you're defying, the other player can publicly play his move and then reveal who won.

How it's Made

I just add the time to try to make the circuit work, but didn't have the time to code the flow of playing the game and integrate it in Farcaster. The goal was to have a server that have a monorepo with a Next.js app and circuits. With a part of the next.js backend that is listening to what's happening on the Farcaster network and reveal results when necessary.

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