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We build a completely anonymized DEX using Zero Knowledge and Account Abstraction.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

We are using erc4337 and account abstraction to divert a transaction from a swap into a mixer then extract the funds from a newly created anonymous account that isn't tied to the original owner of the funds. this would give people privacy and autonomy over their money. We created an erc20 token DUMY and used uniswap interface then our next step would be to generated a userOperation using erc4337 entryPoint.sol contract and then grab the newly created address and basically hijack the transaction from the swap send it into a mixer contract think like tornado cash then we would send it to the new address that would still belong to the user. We would do this all on frontend and use typescript scripts. we didn't get it all done and were way too ambitious

How it's Made

We didn't reinvent the wheel we just tied a bunch of wheels together =) Our task and challenge was really integration and taking these already existing contracts and flows and just diverting them a little bit. we had a nextjs frontend with the uniswap widget connected with metamask then we were trying to use scripts to accomplish our extraction anonymous logic.

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