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A ZkProof Tax Fund allocation system where Taxpayers are provided with TAX tokens against the stablecoin deposits which can be used to vote for the projects, hence ensuring fair fund allotment. Zero Knowledge proofs is used to handle the registration and voting done by the users.


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

"The project intended to be a staking/voting mechanism, where members of different cities would have control over where their local tax dollars are spent. Users in a specific city would go to stake their USDC which is represented as the amount of tax they owe and they are given "tax" tokens that represent the amount they are allowed to vote with at a 1/1 rate. A quadratic voting style implementation is desired to mitigate issues related to wealthy tax payers controlling election outcomes. Voting is handled using polygon ID in a zk proof to verify that they live in the right city and are therefore eligible to vote in the local election."

How it's Made

"This project is incomplete but the governance, timelock, and tax token contracts are coded using openzeppelin imports to govern the tax system. The staking system still needs to be built where tax payers stake their USDC to get their tax tokens to vote with. Polygon Id would be used to verify users have the right cityCode using a custom schema to participate in the local election and thus vote for where their tax money is spent."

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