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ZK Based Voting Protocol with native iOS App. Privacy preserving, scalable and easy to use.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

ZKVote stands as an innovative and robust voting protocol, designed to revolutionize the democratic process with its emphasis on scalability, security, and privacy preservation. Built upon cutting-edge zero-knowledge proof technology, ZKVote ensures that every vote cast is not only encrypted and securely stored but also maintains verifiability on the blockchain.

Our platform prioritizes user experience, offering an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing native iOS App as the primary interface.

How it's Made

It utilises Zero Knowledge Cryptography to preserve the anonymity of voting while providing an easy-to-use native iOS app. We have implemented our own relayer server that takes in the users signed votes / proofs and relays them to the chain, therefore making the process gasless from the users perspective. Votes can be signed with various different signer options thanks to the integration of Metamask and WalletConnect mobile SDKs.

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