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ETHGlobal Paris
Delta V bannerprizeprizeprize

Delta V

DeltaV is the first, truly actionable data layer. In minutes, you can launch customized on-chain data streams and automated, on-chain actions.

ETHGlobal Paris
DRIP (Decentralised TripAdvisor) bannerprize

DRIP (Decentralised TripAdvisor)

DRIP (Decentralised TripAdvisor for people to find authentic review using WorldCoin to prove humanity and POAP to attest attendance.

ETHGlobal Paris
sunflower bannerprize


Trustlessly use L1 multisig owners to sign txs on L2 using zk proofs

ETHGlobal Paris
GnoFrens bannerprize


GnoFrens incentivizes users to better remember and reconnect with the people they've met in the past.

ETHGlobal Paris
Trustky bannerprizeprize


Trustky - Your private resume builder. Fetch credentials from GitHub, Worldcoin & more. Control visibility & encryption for ultimate privacy. Build your perfect resume with confidence. 🚀🔒

ETHGlobal Paris
Dynamic offer validator banner

Dynamic offer validator

A neat library that enables marketplace/lending protocol offers to define conditions under which they are valid. Handy for dynamic NFTs 🤙

ETHGlobal Paris
Aggregate Together bannerprize

Aggregate Together

A set of smart contracts and modules to bring lower gas costs for multisig wallets on EVM rollups via aggregated BLS signatures

ETHGlobal Paris
IEF - Impact Evaluation Framework banner

IEF - Impact Evaluation Framework

Standardization of Impact Measurement of public goods projects through attestations.

ETHGlobal Paris
0xSybil bannerprizeprize


0xSybil - Zero x'ing the sybil attacks, save the protocol democracy!

ETHGlobal Paris
dump-ipfs banner


A decentralized encrypted backup agent for popular DBMS supported by IPFS and Filecoin

ETHGlobal Paris
Decentralized Telegram Sticker Pack bannerprize

Decentralized Telegram Sticker Pack

The Telegram Stickers are administered by the DAO community rather than an administrator

ETHGlobal Paris
Zk Recover bannerprize

Zk Recover

A Safe{Core} Protocol Plugin for Zero Knowledge Wallet Recovery

ETHGlobal Paris
SourcerAO banner


Enable users of an open-source project to join forces and offer a bounty for the development of a new feature on their project. Development follow-up, delivery and payment are handled by the protocol. The protocol manages delivery disputes thanks to the incentivized community.

ETHGlobal Paris
Sharder banner


A dApp to split and share your documents with your contacts.

ETHGlobal Paris
Starkpass bannerprize


Starkpass: The first decentralized ticketing system for Starknet events. Buy tickets with crypto, lower fees than L1 and prove purchases with Sismo ZK proofs, all powered by Cairo contracts.

ETHGlobal Paris
Ousia banner


Ousia is a voting system where your money has no more power than your vote, so everyone is treated fairly when it comes to making important decisions

ETHGlobal Paris
hardhat-userOp banner


Hardhat plugin for sending ERC-4337 UserOperations with integrated tasks in hardhat CLI for better user experience.

ETHGlobal Paris
Photofy banner


Photofy is a new method of verifying the trustworthiness of online images. In a time of rising uncertainty as to whether information is real or not, Photofy looks to highlight which images can be trusted and to what degree by storing a modification history on-chain.

ETHGlobal Paris
Sentio banner


Versatile data API, built for developers! Sentio covers: search a single user's nfts, get nft metadata, get nft marketplace data, get cohort data, and get custom sql data, all in one place. Moreover, it comes with full visualisation support.

ETHGlobal Paris
Habitrac bannerprize


Habit-Building Game Where Friends Can Hold Each Other Accountable Using Smart Contract Deployed In Polygon zkEVM And XMTP Token-Gated Chat. Users Stake Joining Bets In ETH And Earn Real Prizes Directly Deposited Into Appropriate Blockchain Wallets

ETHGlobal Paris
Kinetex Light Clients (MMR) bannerprizeprizeprize

Kinetex Light Clients (MMR)

Kinetex Light Clients for Cross-Chain Resolving (based on ChainLink CCIP, Hyperline, Axelar, ZetaChain & Hashi)

ETHGlobal Paris
HyperDAO banner


HyperDAO: Empowering cross-chain DAOs with HypERC20 tokens & Hyperlane's interchain capabilities. Create Interchain DAOs, vote, govern & interact across chains. Connecting Mumbai & Sepolia for seamless DAO operations. Solve fragmented governance & promote adoption.

ETHGlobal Paris
Steward tokens banner

Steward tokens

Introducing Stewards Tokens. Blending hard-to-measure impacts with existing carbon credits so small farmers get a share of the carbon market.

ETHGlobal Paris
ChainFunds banner


ChainFunds: Web3 project from EthCC 2023. Democratizes finance via Gnosis & QuickNode RPC. Users invest in funds via MetaMask. Managers create NFT-based funds, ensuring transparency with ERC6551 protocol. Web3+NFT+DeFi fusion for the future!

ETHGlobal Paris
ProofOfHack bannerprizeprize


Proof of Hack enables whitehat hackers and security researchers to demonstrate their ability to identify vulnerabilities in a protocol without actually exploiting them.

ETHGlobal Paris
MinaMix bannerprize


Mixer for Mina built on SnarkyJS. Put funds in, get funds out, but without sacrificing on privacy.

ETHGlobal Paris
🔥 Decentralized Circuit Breaker bannerprizeprize

🔥 Decentralized Circuit Breaker

A decentralized approach of the Circuit Breaker (EIP-7265) ... Resolving a triggered Circuit Breaker by Governance

ETHGlobal Paris
Arbora bannerprize


Arbora is a platform designed to simplify the management of NFTs owning a token-bound account (ERC 6551). Users can perform smart contract operations on them (transfer, merging) and visualize a tree structure of the NFT’s relationships.

ETHGlobal Paris
Fruity Friends bannerprizeprizeprizeprize

Fruity Friends

A social dApp for real humans with private match-making and on-chain messaging features.

ETHGlobal Paris
Flashbots Protect bannerprize

Flashbots Protect

A custom nextjs website that enables anyone to easily add the Flasbots Protect RPC to their wallet, with clear, beautiful data on rebates to convince them about why it matters.

ETHGlobal Paris
Starship banner


Let's be sure the code we ship will work in Production. How to sleep in peace?? Answer is Tests, Tests, Tests....... Starship is an automated way to spin up infra using a simple Yaml file. That infra can be used to do all kind of testing (Frontend, Backend, Chain Upgrades, etc.)

ETHGlobal Paris
Tokenization of RWAs Data Curation banner

Tokenization of RWAs Data Curation

Project about tokenization of real-world assets curated list

ETHGlobal Paris
RWA Yield bannerprize

RWA Yield

Unlock the potential of blockchain for real-world assets! Our project seamlessly integrates with Maker SubDAOs to enable on-chain borrowing to fund investments in real world assets.

ETHGlobal Paris